Welcome to the ENCAD Software Home Page
Software develops, supplies and supports software for
the analysis and design of civil engineering structures.
and structural engineers use ENCAD developed software
for the analysis and design of buildings, bridges and
communications masts and towers. The modelling of
wind loading and bridge deck loading is built into
the software. The standards used in the software
include EN1993, BS5950 for skeletal steelwork analysis
and design, BS6399 and CP3 for wind loading and BS5400,
BD21 and BD37 for bridge deck loading. The ENCAD
development team is based in our Dublin, Ireland
ENCAD Civil Structural Analysis and Design Suite allows
structures made of timber, concrete, steel, alumimium
(or any metal) to be modelled and analysed. Our
WinFRAM Framework Analysis program allows beams,
columns, struts, and ties to be modelled individually
or assembled as parts of trusses, frames or
grillages. Continuous construction such as walls,
slabs, piers, foundations, abutments and retaining
walls can be modelled. Framework analysis calculation
results show displacements and internal force values
(tensions, compressions, shears, moments, torsions)
in the model members. Our WinFELA Finite Element
Analysis program extends the modelling options by
including plate finite elements. WinFELA is 2D/3D FEA
(FEM) software.
ENCAD suite has been created out of a wealth of
experience gained by the development team members in
civil structural engineering design consultancy in
England and Ireland. The development effort is
supported by superb feedback given particularly by
our English and Irish client base.
Civil structural engineering analysis and design software for buildings, bridges, towers, masts etc. FREE Trial.
Structures: buildings, bridges, bridge, masts, towers, walls, slabs, piers, foundations, abutments, retaining walls, beams, columns, struts, ties, trusses, frames, portals, grillages.
Materials: timber, concrete, steel, alumimium, metal.
Standards: Eurocode, EN1991, EN1991-2, EN1993, EC3, BS5950, BS6399, CP3, BS5400, BD21, BD37.
Loading: dead, imposed, wind, snow, traffic.
Analyses: stiffness, skeletal framework, beam and plate finite element, linear, non-linear, vibration, buckling.
Output: displacements, internal forces, tension, compression, shear, moment, torque, mode shape, frequency.